Some super swell cricketeers have started pulling national franchise switch-a-roo plays in order to get a draft into the roster of their choice. The Brits making some AWESOME plays in recent time targeting A-listers like Kevin Pete & Sons ltd. from South American origin and Owen Morgan a Shamrock SUPERSTAR! The terms Engl-ISH and Brit-ISH allow for this cross-pollination of cricketeers that have relation to the Queen, and so, Andy Flour can strategorize Cricketball World Domination! Hater’s go’wn hate but it makes for some AWESOME cricketball!
In America, the greatest national franchise of them all, we welcome this swith-a-roo play! The Indiana state draftees play some pretty darn AWESOME ball. It won’t be long until we have one of those pesky 20:20 shootout Super Bowl World Series’ and we can make that stake for intergrationzation into the International Cricketball Congress tournaments.
There has been attempts for other national franchise to copy the work of her majesty the Queens cricketball franchise. Most recently, the Floppy Green Cap Kangaroo ballers made a draft for a screwball bowler in an attempt to re-capture the little jar in the Cremation Challenge. The dude called Forward Ahmed ended up being a benchwarmer, a locker-room loner and a dugout demon. He was mainly utilized by Ozzy to ensure the 1st stringers maintained hydration levels and understand the play the coach wanted run. Daren Lehman Bro. learnt the hard way again with his poor allocation of shares, with his squad liquidated by the AWESOMENESS of the Triple Tigers. Hopefully there will be no double dip recession for him and his cricketeers as they look to dominate the Brits Cremation Vacation in their home ballparks!
News of this SUPER sweet draftee play even provoked the likes of soccer star Jack Wilshearer of the Red Cannon and Brit soccer franchises, in which KP quickly noted that maybe his rosters should say howdy to these draftees as then they might one semester win a SUPER BOWL! Cricketball 1 – 0 Soccer!